
Say hello to our new website

As you’ve probably noticed, we have a new website for the 2015 season. After months of looking at the various options for getting a site up and running, we decided to do this in-house. Fortunately, between Nellie Werger and me, we had enough experience, and Copious Free Time [TM] to git ‘er done. We’ve learned a great deal in the process, and are delighted to have something we can go live with. As you might imagine, the paint is still drying, and there are some things still left to do, such as Wisteria merchandise and nature preserve donations. If you have any questions, please let us know at, or post a comment here.

Hail, and welcome!

By Bill White

Bill White arrived at Wisteria in 2010 with Starwood XXX after 15 years as a festival participant. Nights at the drum and fire circle had given him a belief in the transformative magic of the festival experience and the sacred silly, and its power to forge authentic connections to self and others. At Wisteria, Bill fell in love with the land and community, and began an ever-deepening relationship with the organization and its projects, with the goal of bringing that magic to others and nurturing a space for people to grow, play, and revel in the gloriously weird. Bill brings to Wisteria a decade of entrepreneurial experience as co-founder of FrogNet, Inc. and other ventures, a doctorate in neuroscience, a professional background in software engineering and information technology, a passion for infrastructure, and a fondness for digging holes and setting things on fire. Bill currently does enterprise web applications development for a living (AngularJS, REST API, Perl/Moose, Postgres). At Wisteria, Bill currently serves as treasurer of the Board of Directors and is active on various engineering-related committees and projects and Wisteria Fire Tribe.

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